(AMPHORA) Acoustic markers for enhanced remote sensing of radiation doses

Project summary
Around one person out of three will face cancer over the course of his or her life, and this number is expected to rise significantly. Comprised in the cure of approximately 50% of all cancer patients, radiation therapy is a treatment modality that has been proven to reduce mortality. Increasingly complex treatment plans and delivery methods are employed, leading to highly modulated spatiotemporal dose profiles to reduce radiation dosage. Consequently, inaccuracies in treatment delivery or patient positioning can have dreadful consequences, and appropriate treatment verification strategies effectively measuring the actual radiation dose imparted to the tumour are actively sought. Despite this unmistakable need, current dosimetry technology is lagging behind on radiotherapy planning and delivery evolutions, hereby inhibiting the full potential of radiotherapy. Amphora aims to develop a non-invasive in-situ dosimetry system for radiation therapy with the potential of on-line dose assessment by casting ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) into dose sensing theranostic devices.
AMPHORA aims to develop a non-invasive in-situ dosimetry system for radiation therapy with the potential of on-line dose assessment by casting ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) into dose sensing theranostic devices.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency:
Horizon 2020