Towards a [more] personalized treatment of patients with Pompe disease
Large-scale personalization: personalized screening programs
What does your meat eat? The global impact of Dutch livestock feed from 1954 up to the present
Organs as a gateway to Europe: studying kidney sales among migrants entering the EU
The brain-infiltrating T cell uncovered
Towards personalized screening for colorectal cancer
New imaging biomarkers for stroke
The right time to be optimal
Stabilization of DNA replication machinery in maintenance of genome integrity
From Headache to Heartache
New look at deafness
When the immunological memory of T cells goes astra
Mechanisms of pluripotency: translational control of stem cell fates
Global Brain Ageing: Investigating normal and abnormal aging across the globe
Modulatie van mitochondriaal metabolisme van bloedstamcellen om het leeftijdsgebonden risico op kanker te verminderen en kankertherapie te verbeteren
Radiology and pathology join forces through Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Diagnostics (AIID)
ORGANTRADE: Walls of Secrecy and Silence in the Human Organ Trade: Facilitating, Concealing and Laundering Illegal Transplants
Verkorte bestraling voor hoofdhalskanker om de behandeling te verlichten en negatieve effecten op het immuunsysteem te verminderen
Valuing the body: a moral history of human tissues in twentieth-century medicine
RabiBoost: Restoring suppressed immune pathways as a novel post-exposure treatment for rabies virus (RABV).
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