(CATNON) Biomarkers for chemotherapy sensitivity and prognosis of anaplastic gliomas without combined 1p / 19q loss: analysis of the intercontinental CATNON study
Project summary
The prognosis of malignant brain tumors (glioma) offer little hope. Therefore, better therapies are highly needed. A targeted approach on different molecular subtypes could possibly make the difference: previous studies showed that small molecular differences could respond very different to different therapies.
This research is to characterize different molecular subtypes in anaplastic glioma without 1p/19q deletion for their sensitivity towards certain kinds of therapy.
With characterizing the different molecular subtypes of anaplastic glioma and their sensitivity towards certain kinds of therapy we can optimize treatment for a disease that otherwise shows low survival rates.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Prof. dr. Martin van den Bent
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency:
KWF Kankerbestrijding