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(EFFICHRONIC) Enhancing health systems sustainability by providing cost-efficiency data of evidence-based interventions for chronic management in stratified population based on clinical socio-economic determinants of health

Project summary

EFFICHRONIC project aims to provide evidence on the positive return of investment and relevant data on cost-efficiency of the application of the CDSMP in 5 different European countries (France, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain & UK) paying special attention to those factors (health & medical related but also social, cultural, economic) linked with a higher burden of chronic disorders in European society.


Enhancing health systems sustainability by providing cost-efficiency data based interventions for chronic management in stratified population based on clinical and socio-economic determinants of health.

More detailed information

Principal Investigator:

Prof. dr. Pieter Sonneveld

Role Erasmus MC:



Project website:

Funding Agency:

Horizon 2020