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Fertile soils for future generations integrated spatial strategies and effective governance for coherent rural-urban regions

Client :
Liquid Themes

Fertile soils for future generations integrated spatial strategies and effective governance for coherent rural-urban regions

Project summary

The Fertile soils project focuses on improving environmental quality in both rural and urban areas through landscape services. The aim is to restore meaningful interactions between these areas. The landscape services central to this project include local food production, recreation, biodiversity, flood protection, water retention, housing space, space for economic activities, social cohesion and regional identity.
The project focuses on connecting providers of these services with those who need them. This is partly a spatial challenge, as both demand and supply vary by location. The best locations are determined by making a trade-off between where the biophysical potential is greatest and where demand is highest. It is also a financial and organisational challenge because changing land management requires alternative sources of income. These changes need to be integrated into existing administrative and legal frameworks.
Through this approach, the project aims to harness the full potential of landscape services, which will contribute to improved environmental quality and sustainable interactions between urban and rural areas.

More detailed information

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Mariëlle Beenackers

Role Erasmus MC:



O. iMGZ Algemeen

Project website:

Funding Agency: