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Feverkidstool: brede implementatie van medisch digitaal gecertificeerd hulpmiddel op de spoedeisende hulp

Project summary

Fever is the most common reason for a visit to the emergency room in children. There are many children in whom fever goes away by itself, but sometimes there is a serious bacterial infection. Unnecessary (blood) tests or treatment are often initiated so as not to miss a serious diagnosis. The Feverkidstool (FKT) is a decision rule that helps the doctor in assessing children with fever in the emergency room. Innovatively, this FKT is a digital web application, according to medical legislation. To get this decision rule properly applied in practice, an implementation project is needed.


In this implementation project, concerned healthcare providers, patients and the people involved in purchasing medical devices in hospitals work together to develop the best practice to get the FKT in use in the Netherlands in the emergency room.

More detailed information

Principal Investigator:

dr. Rianne Oostenbrink

Role Erasmus MC:




Project website:

Funding Agency:
