(FUTURE) Follow-up after surgery for colorectal liver metastases: the randomized controlled, multicentre FUTURE trial
Project summary
Patients with colon cancer will go into a frequent and intense control procedure (many hospital visits, frequent CT scans..) after surgical removal of a colon tumor. This means a lot of pressure on the patient, while the long-term survival likely does not change when only blood analysis is performed at regular intervals. CT scans and visits to the hospital are probably not needed. A less intense control procedure would contribute to a better quality of life of the patient. This research compares the regular procedure with a less intense procedure to see whether a less intense procedure would still result in the same high quality long-term survival.
Less frequent and less intense controls for colon cancer patients after surgical removal of the colon tumor may result in less pressure on the patient and thus an improved quality of life.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Kees Verhoef
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency:
KWF Kankerbestrijding