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Molecular Oncology Twins Advancing Treatment and Innovative Cancer Evaluation (MOTIVATE)

Client :
Liquid Themes

Molecular Oncology Twins Advancing Treatment and Innovative Cancer Evaluation (MOTIVATE)

Project summary

Targeted therapies are crucial part of treatment of cancer. Great advantage of radionuclide therapy is that radioactivity doses are delivered in the tumor very accurately. Prior to therapy a diagnostic scan is performed. Differences between these diagnostic and therapeutic drugs are eliminated by developing theranostics twins. This innovative approach is based on easily available fluorine-18 for PET-diagnostics combined with alpha- or beta-emitters for therapy. With these twins the right cancer patients are selected for treatment with optimal therapy. UMCG and Erasmus MC will develop theranostic twins for treating cancer. The best twin will be prepared for a first-in-man clinical trial.

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Role Erasmus MC:



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