(DNAREPAIRMAN) Regulated Assembly of Molecular Machines for DNA REPAIR: a Molecular Analysis training Network

Project summary
The European Training Network DNAREPAIRMAN aims to train a new generation of innovative young scientists in cutting edge biophysical research methodology to address central questions in biology concerning the mode of action of critical molecular machines with relevance for human health. The Network consists of a highly collaborative consortium consisting of 12 participants coming from academia, industry, and the creative sector. This environment of excellence offers a multidisciplinary PhD program to 12 young researchers (ESRs), through training in the analysis of basic chemical and physical principles that underlie the correct timing and localization of events during DNA repair. In addition training will center around method development using methodology, equipment, software and experience provided first-hand by four small technology-driven companies. Individual research projects as well as personal training plans will be implemented for each ESR, incorporating a local training program, multiple rotations within partner laboratories, exposure to the non-academic sector and Network meetings.
DNAREPAIRMAN will result in a new generation of mature and innovative European scientists with a thorough understanding of fundamental quantitative principles underlying biology, with experience in technique development, and affinity for the academic as well as the non-academic research setting, providing a broad and promising career perspective.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency:
Horizon 2020