Resistant HYpertension: MEasure to ReaCh Targets (RHYME-RCT)

Project summary
Resistant hypertension is a common health issue leading to high costs and suboptimal cardiovascular prevention. Non-adherence is one of the most common reasons, but proving non-adherence and, more importantly, improving adherence are challenging. We have developed a method to measure drug levels of the most commonly used antihypertensive drug in a dried blood spot (DBS) obtained by a finger prick.
Is providing patients with resistant hypertension with their drug levels (“biofeedback”) assessed by DBS-analysis combined with a behavioral change technique involving supported problem solving, an effective intervention to improve adherence and thereby to decrease the number of patients with assumed resistant hypertension?
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
J Versmissen
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
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