Unravelling True buRden of atrIal fibrillation across the whole spectrUm; froM asymPtomatic pHase to critical disease (TRIUMPH)
Client :
Liquid Themes
Unravelling True buRden of atrIal fibrillation across the whole spectrUm; froM asymPtomatic pHase to critical disease (TRIUMPH)

Project summary
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the new cardiovascular epidemic of the 21st century. AF is a heterogeneous disorder with frequent (a)symptomatic episodes, which usually progresses over time. AF is traditionally classified as AF absence or presence, paroxysmal, persistent, long-standing, or permanent AF. We propose that a comprehensive, clinically and pathophysiologically meaningful AF measure is mandatory to guide personalized AF management. This comprehensive concept – the AF burden – can be measured from noninvasive, continuous rhythm recordings. We hypothesize that the AF burden is determined by extensiveness of atrial electropathology which is in turn influenced by various risk factors. Atrial electropathology is derived from electrical signals directly recorded from the surface of the heart. The degree of electropathology is in turn correlated with the post-operative AF burden during the first 5 days after cardiac surgery.
By applying continuous rhythm monitoring to the unique population-based Rotterdam Study and patient groups of whom unique electrical data is obtained, TRIUMPH will define the novel concept of AF burden. We combine our expertise’s to unravel the risk factor and electrophysiological profiles of the AF burden across its severity spectrum. In partnership with Praxa Sense (SME), TRIUMPH will validate and optimize the Praxa Sense Rhythm Classifier for automatic AF detection which will be used for determination of the AF burden.
Our worldwide unique approach unravels AF pathophysiology from asymptomatic populations to critical patients. TRIUMPH enables: 1) early identification and treatment of individuals at risk of AF, prior to occurrence of major arterial, cardiac, or neurological damage, and 2) patient-tailored AF management guided by the AF burden. This will improve patients’ quality of life and reduce the need for medication or interventional procedures.
TRIUMPH carries a significant potential for reducing health care costs by preventing unnecessary hospitalizations and improving self-management. Successful completion of TRIUMPH will result in a strong competitive advantage for Praxa Sense with a global reach.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Maryam Kavousi
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Not available
Funding Agency: