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Young eScientist Award 2018

Project summary

The main research interest is advanced analysis of brain MRI for improving diagnostics. Currently, Dr. Bron is organizing a large international comparison study: The Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Of Longitudinal Evolution challenge TADPOLE. This challenge objectively compares the performance of methods by international research groups that predict evolution of individuals at risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The aim of this research idea  is to develop a user-friendly web-based platform that allows users to apply TADPOLE methods to their own data. Dr. Bron will collaborate with the eScience Center to build a web-based platform, to integrate the prediction methods into the platform and to validate them.


This project will make a different state-of-the-art prediction methods publicly available and easily applicable which is in line with the definition of Open Science.

More detailed information

Principal Investigator:

Role Erasmus MC:



Project website:

Funding Agency:

Netherlands eScience Center